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Why you should contribute your game data to Elite: Dangerous third-party tools

The Elite: Dangerous community has built a wealth of third-party tools, some of which you might use every day. If you've ever searched for a trade route on EDDB or tracked a community goal on Inara or researched a POI on EDSM, then you have used data submitted by commanders just like you through the Elite Dangerous Data Network.

Have you ever chased a high mineral price you saw on EDDB, only to find the price had crashed and realized the data was 38 days old?

Have you ever damaged your ship while out exploring and needed to find a deep space repair outpost?

Have you ever wanted to buy a ship with the 15% Li-Yong Rui discount and not known where to go?

Have you ever wished you could plot a route with way more neutrons than the ingame plotter does?

You can help by running one of the below tools. When more commanders submit data, everyone benefits.

Don't worry; personally-identifying information is not sent.

How to contribute to EDDN

PC Commanders

PC players have a plethora of options available to them to not only improve their gameplay, but also contribute data back. This list is not exhaustive.

Console Commanders

Unfortunately the options are more limited on consoles. Also, the drawback of the only method they can use (Compantion API pull) is that it is not real-time. However, it is much better than nothing.

SCCC-specific Information

While I do the best I can with the information provided, unfortunately the data from the game is incomplete in various ways.

If a war is missing from the conflicts finder, then please visit the system while running one of the above tools.

If a RES is missing from the bounty finder, then you'll need to FSS the body it is orbiting, or drop in on it, while running one of the above tools. Yeah, sorry.

If a war or RES is incorrectly listed, please contact me with the system name, time, Horizons or Odyssey, and other details.

The following information is not currently possible to automatically get:

Tool versions known to send the specific data SCCC uses:

How Third-Party Tools Obtain and Send Data

Diagram of data flow from Elite Dangerous to third party tools